Friday, September 05, 2008


Last Thursday beat me up. 

To a pulp. 

And when I was Done, had thrown in the towel, Daisy threw up. Twice. On the white carpet.

There. Sharing does make you feel better! 


For life insurance purposes, we had physicals done about a month ago. I received my results yesterday. Basically, I'm falling apart. I have borderline high cholesterol, low glucose, and something else that I can't remember now that's low. I'm a little freaked out. I know I need to exercise more, but I eat well and am not overweight by any means. I also know that genes play a big part on it, so I can go ahead and push the blame right on over to my parents. I'll be finding a doctor today and scheduling physicals. (Justin hasn't received his results yet, but he needs a physical too.) On an uplifting note, I was accepted under the "Super Preferred Non-Tobacco" rating for my life insurance, which is the best rating they give. Super Preferred Non- Tobacco. Rolls right off the tongue. While I'm pretty sure that Justin will receive the same rating, I'll be rubbing this in his face until he gets his results.  

Up for today: School for Vance. 4 month check up for Vaughnie, who seems to have caught the cold that everyone seems to be getting over now. Esta bien. 




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