Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Oh, the Snow!

It hasn't snowed this much here in, well, I can't even remember when! It definitely reminded us of winters back in Wisconsin. It was pretty seeing the snow come down, but I'm officially over it now. Let's get on to the melting! The only ice I'd like to see is in my drink and after 3 days of no school plus a partially snowed in weekend the liquor is dwindling down around here. And that also goes for the cookies that I made on Thursday. (I falsely promised myself that I would freeze half of them after cooling. That didn't happen.)

Good thing Tracy was just delivered. I may or may have not eaten more cookies than I could count on one hand yesterday.

Here's hoping your (and my) hand stays out of the cookie jar today.

One Response to “Oh, the Snow!”

  1. Anonymous3:55 PM

    yeah, my sister uses Tracy. And note to self, note necessarily the best site to pull up at work.

    mike a



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