Friday, May 06, 2011

Vaughn's still 3

I did a silly thing.

I brought home a dozen balloons for Vaughn's birthday. 

Kids + Balloons = Parental Annoyance 

The madness ended last night. We popped them all together and said goodbye.

 Vaughn gathered all the ribbons up and danced with them on her way to the trash.


Vaughn's stats from her 3rd year checkup.

39 lbs (97%)
39.25" tall (90%)

The equation based on the parent's heights says that Vaughn should end up being around 5'5" but our doctor believes she'll be taller than that. 

And that continues the theory that Vaughn will always be one big beautiful lady.

But we already new that, didn't we?


3 years ago we sold our house in Wisconsin on Mother's Day.

I'm just throwing it out there into the void that wouldn't it be nice for that to happen again this year. 

Have a great weekend. Give your mom a hug. 

One Response to “Vaughn's still 3”

  1. I will keep my fingers crossed for you. Happy Mother's Day to you too!!



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