Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Pinterest, dahling.

I sat down to write a post last night but I got sidetracked with Million Dollar Decorators, dahlings. 

Do you not love that show? Bravo has the whole reality TV thing down pat.

I'd like to rename Vance to Oscar just so I can call him "Oscie" for short just like Kathryn Ireland calls her son. 

(I wonder how Vance would react if I just start calling him that. Hmmm...I'll try it out today and maybe it'll stick.)

I think Jacqueline needs her own show. Quoting Martyn, "It's just TV gold watching Jacqueline rifle around in search of Kathryn's diamond earbobs to complete her Inspector Clouseau ensemble."

I can't get enough of it. I love it. 


The love doesn't end there folks. Today I'm also going to talk about my love for Pinterest. 

Ever find something online, love it, then days later not be able to remember where you had found it?

That was me. I'd waste so much time going through all my "regular" sites trying to find what I was looking for. 

Pinterest solves this problem. It's genius. 

It's also great for giving you a sense of your own style by looking at everything as a whole.

Look at my board for Vaughn's Room. I had no idea where to start, but by pinning items as I've found them and looking at them all together it's kind of clear what I'm going for right? 

It's not just for designing. It's for anything and you can make different boards for each category that you'd like. It's just easier to check it out for yourself!

Follow me if you'd like, it's fun to see everyone's great ideas!

One Response to “Pinterest, dahling.”

  1. I didn't get a chance to watch it last night.....tuned into The Voice! Can't wait to see it tonight



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