Thursday, December 19, 2013

Winter Party!

I have been stressing about Vance's class party for the past month. Silly, I know but having never planned one or never even attending one I didn't know how it would go. Craft or no craft? Prizes or no prizes? Goodie bags or no goodie bags? Bottom line I just wanted to give the kids a fun party.

I am happy to announce that it is over. The party went smoothly and I think the kids had a good time. However it was a reminder on how accurate one must be when giving a group of kids directions. For example....

The direction given: 
Use chopsticks to pick up marshmallows and put them in your cup. 
The direction that should have been given: 
Use the chopsticks in the correct manner as if you were eating with them (one handed) to pick up one marshmallow at a time. Do not stab the marshmallows and skewer them onto the chopstick and slide them into your cup. Do not use your hands to dump a pile of marshmallows onto the chopsticks and then dump them into your cup. (All the different ways they came up with other than the correct way was impressive. 

They found loopholes with every game and it's just another reason how awesome kids are. They know how to have a good time! It is without a doubt I picked up many good lessons to use/not use for the next party. 

Do you attend your kid's classroom parties?    

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