Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Business as Usual

This week has been all about getting back on schedule. We were all out of whack from Christmas, the snow storm, and the kids having 6 extra snow days tacked onto the end of winter break. To top everything off Justin has been out of the country. I say I'm not stressed out but my twitching eye says differently.(Seriously, it can stop anytime now.)

The kids have been in school for 3 consecutive days now and Justin got back last night so business as usual for all of us today. 

I will say technology still blows my mind. Justin, in Scotland at the time, was able to watch part of Vance's basketball game through FaceTime on my phone. How awesome is that? 

One Response to “Business as Usual”

  1. pretty effen awesome I think. I'll face time you Thursday...just to see how it's goin ;)



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