Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday 5

~5 things from the week~

I whipped up some quick personalized towels for part of a gift for Vaughn's awesome Girl Scout leaders, using my tutorial from years ago.  

Vaughn's thoughtful teacher gave me some garden goodies as a thank you for helping out in her classroom this year. We're trying our hand at veggies again this year, but I have a feeling the woodland creatures are getting ready for a 3 month buffet.

I never go to the actual post office, so I order stamps online and love the selection. This round I went with Janis, Maya, and artist Martin Ramirez. (While I was aware of his work, I never knew he spent the majority of his adult life in a mental institution and suffered from schizophrenia.) Fun fact for the day!

The kid's school did a mini-relay for life this week to raise money and honor those affected by cancer.    It was a nice shift this year to donate an equal number for those we have lost to cancer too soon and for those who have survivors. Public Service reminder to get your parts checked and wear sunscreen!  

Our town is having an air show this weekend and the past couple of days have sounded like a war zone while the Blue Angels practice. It's amazing how loud they are!

 If you're an Anthony Bourdain fan, here's an interview he did with Bon Appetit. It's a fun, quick read about the rules he follows for eating food when on the road. 

Cheers to the weekend! Hope everyone has a good one! 

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