Friday, June 17, 2016

Friday 5

~ 5 things from the week ~

Lots been going on, let's get to it!  First things first, I got a job.  

Seeing these amazing before and after pictures, like this one, was what sealed the deal for me. I've been spending a lot of time learning about the company and the products and I'm excited about the opportunity! Needless to say, If you're curious about Rodan + Fields, please let me know! I'd love to help! 

We spent last weekend in Memphis for a baseball tournament. While Vance's team got to go down on the field and watch batting practice for the Memphis Redbirds, a few mom's snuck over to the Peabody to watch the ducks and drink a little bubbly. A great way to kick of the weekend, if you ask me!

White jersey's + sweat + 3 games in one day  =
So gross! I scrubbed it (and his pants) in the hotel sink that night just to get some of the filth off so it wouldn't stain. Happy to say it looks like new again! 

Jump camp was this week, which always stresses me out, but the kids love it and they come home each day like tired puppies, so it's a win. Jump camp is a crazy mixture of water park/carnival/church and somehow they manage to get thousands of kids in and out of there each day with ease. (Official numbers aren't in for this summer, but last summer over 2 weeks of camp they had over 6,111 kids!) There's close to 1,200 volunteers and darn it, if they aren't the happiest people you'll meet. Not the best picture, but the guy in the far back that's directing traffic was my favorite everyday. He directed cars with dance-like movements and always had the biggest smile on his face. His smile was contagious and I'd always pull out of there in a good mood, and not just because I had dropped both kids off. Thankful for people like him!

 It's been a busy week with softball and baseball games and tonight we get a night off. So excited to have some downtime before we jump into tourney games tomorrow morning! 
Hope you all have a great weekend! Cheers!

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