Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving 2006 & 2009

Here's Vance on Thanksgiving from 2006. He's around 18 months old.

Watching Grandad rake leaves.

Big helper.

Fast forward to this year. Still helping Grandad with the leaves. I didn't pack winter clothes, so Meme let Vance borrow her vest.

I love that he could care less that he's wearing a woman's faux fur trimmed vest. Wish I would have gotten a picture with the hood up!

Off to the mall for our annual shopping trip where we help my dad shop for my mom! Looking forward to it!

One Response to “Thanksgiving 2006 & 2009”

  1. he is very secure with his manly side or he just doesn't know its a woman's vest. lol
    have fun shopping. i'm braving monkey joe's. dont know if that smart or stupid yet.



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