Wednesday, November 04, 2015

A Look Back: Halloween

The kids didn't have school on Friday, so we kicked off Halloween weekend with a trip to the pumpkin patch. A little late in the season, but it counts! Me made it! The weather was perfect and there were no crowds, so two big thumbs up right there.  

The kids did great cleaning, designing, and carving their own pumpkins this year. TIP: use a cheap vinyl tablecloth to carve on. When you're done, just bring up the corners, tie, and throw the whole shebang away. That's mine on the left, Vaughn's in the middle, and Vance's on the right. The S is for Stanford, where he wants to go to college. Go Trees!

I took this picture knowing that I had taken one in the same spot years two years ago. Look how much they've grown!

And then I found all of these pictures and couldn't help myself. 
I'm glad some things never change.

I think Halloween should always be on a Saturday. Lawmakers, get to work! It was a perfect rainy day and we spent it in comfy clothes watching scary movies. We then gathered with friends for trick or treating, good food, and stayed up way too late. I hope next Halloween is this good too!
Now, if someone can get all this candy out of the house, I'd be set! 

Hope you had a great Halloween too! 

One Response to “A Look Back: Halloween ”

  1. Great pictures and memories! Glad everyone had fun!



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