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Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Quickie Garland Project

Quickie Project

Inspired from Meg at Whatever.

(Hers were circles - I only had heart shapes on hand.)

The kids painted them back in June. They had fun doing so - each little doily was it's own masterpiece. 

It was a day that we didn't have anything going on and they were overly bored. I searched, found doilies, and remembered the garland that Meg had done with her kids. 

I let them dry and just yesterday sewed them all together to make garland. I wish I had more so that it was longer!


Vance's school orientation is tonight. We get to meet his teacher, see his classroom, and drop off his school supplies. 

Still can't believe that school starts next week.

He can't wait! I love that he's so excited!

Have a great Wednesday!

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