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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Big Day

No one in this house slept in a crib last night. 

{First time in almost 7 years}

It's a BIG day here today.

The crib was dismantled last night and put into the garage so it can be hauled out with the trash next week. 

It's the old-school drop down side kind, so it can't be given away. I've seen crafty things done with old cribs, but none that will work in our house. 

I'm going to be honest. Seeing that crib next to the trash can brings tears. I remember the BIG day when we bought it. We first had the big ultrasound, found out it was a boy, then headed to the furniture store. I was wearing my favorite pink maternity sweater. Justin, my mom, and his mom, all came with.   

So many memories are tied into that one piece of furniture.

*wiping tears away*...*moving on*
Vaughn's BIG girl bed gets delivered today, so she slept on the floor last night. 

I guess Vance was jealous of Vaughn because when we went to check on him before going to bed ourselves, he had made himself a little bed on his floor too.
Silly kids.    

This is totally out of character for me but look what I picked up for Vaughn's room yesterday:

My taste isn't usually this "girly" but thought Vaughn would love it. My plan is to put it in her closet. A win win.


To sum things up, I guess one big day always leads to another big day. But be sure to enjoy all those in between days too.

(They all go too fast.)


  1. oh exciting! Bet she will have the best night sleep ever in her new big girl bed tonight

  2. I hope you're right Michelle! We're trying the "no rails" route so hopefully she doesn't fall out! :)

  3. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I'm having a few memories myself right now. Another rite of passage. Mom. P.s. I'm so glad I'm here to see and enjoy them
