Archive for August 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015

Avocado Quinoa Cups

This dish is brought to you by the magic of leftovers. Proof that it's worth hanging on to a little bit of everything! The options for this dish are endless and if you double or triple what I used, you'll have a perfect lunch for a group. Here's how I made mine.

Ingredients: (For a single serving)

1 Avocado
1/2 cup cooked quinoa (mine was a mix of black and white)*
2 slices of red bell pepper, diced
Handful of yellow onion, diced
Handful of corn
Handful of grape tomatoes, diced
Salt & pepper
Half of a lime
Dash of Sriracha

Cut the avocado in half, discarding the seed. Using a spoon, scrape the majority of the avocado out, chop into squares, and leave aside. (I left a thin layer of avocado in the skin.)

Mix the cooked quinoa, bell peppers, onion, (I didn't have one on hand, but a shallot would have been perfect here, instead of the onion!) corn, tomatoes, cubed avocado, and cilantro together. Season with salt and pepper. Squeeze the lime juice and Sriracha in and toss to coat. Spoon into the avocado cups and serve!

*My avocados were on the smaller side and using a 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa was way more than enough for two cups. Just to help you decide how much you'll need.

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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Love to Cook, Hate to Plan Weekly Dinner Menu (Week 9)

Week of August 30 - September 5

Another busy week here with at least one activity every night (some nights two)! It's not the most exciting menu, but again, at least it's a plan!

The one bright spot? Monday's Avocado Chicken Caprese Salads. Excited to try those out, but might end up substituting white beans for the chicken. 

Taco Tuesday! Ground beef for them, beans for me and guac for all!

Wednesday's we'll do quick Malibu Wraps.

Thursday's soup night will be a quick "you pick it and I'll heat it" type of thing. 

Pizza Night! Homemade but using Boboli crust. Cheese for kids, sautéd mushrooms, peppers, and onions for the adults. Top with fresh basil and goat cheese. It's the best! 

Hope some of these ideas take the guess work out of your week too! 

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday 5

5 simple happenings from the week.

The weather has been perfect all week and we've been soaking it up. Justin and Vaughn are away at soccer practice two nights a week which gives Vance and I plenty of mother/son time. Fore!  

As soon as I got what this guy was doing, I couldn't stop laughing. Felt good to laugh so hard!  

It's official, I'm a runner again and to celebrate I bought new kicks. Here's hoping they make running feel more like flying.

I made new charts for the kids to help with before and after school to-do's. The goal is to help them get into a rhythm of becoming more independent, which means less mom-nagging from me. Everybody wins!
(Need Chore Chart help? Here's a printable Do Your Chores chart and another idea for a Quick Dry Erase Chore Chart.)

Earlier in the week, I wrote about my missing couches. Update to date: still missing! You know it's a bad sign when I can't get the PB muzak songs out of my head. I talk to a PB representative everyday and feel like Jack Lemmon in The Out of Towners, making my list of names and notes.
I hope everyone has had a good week and enjoys the weekend! Cheers!

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

How to Write a Condolence Note

If you're like me and struggle to find words to comfort grieving friends and family, then read this article. It's full of good advice on how to offer sincere and meaningful condolences.

A Cup of Jo's "How to Write a Condolence Note"

My uncle recently passed away and I'm still amazed with the outpouring of support by family friends. I now truly know the smallest, most simple gesture can end up meaning the most.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

MISSING: 2 PB Couches and My Patience

Friday started out just right but then came to a halt when I called to check the status of our new couches. (I mean, they should be here by now! I even chose the "quick ship" fabric!) It took 3 phone calls to the barn of pottery for them to realize that they have misplaced them. As in, they don't know where they are. Yes, my two silver taupe Chesterfield couches are at large. POTTERY BARN HAS LOST MY COUCHES. Is Phoebe behind this, or am I just a magnet for mishaps?

Don't you worry though! A representative has my name and she told me that she will call me on Monday with an update. (Update: She never called!) She warned though, that she probably won't know anything because it takes 3-5 days to locate lost items that have a locator but 7-10 days for those items without. The silver lining is that we have one of each, so they're both not totally lost. Just one of them. 

I will say that Pottery Barn's customer service has always impressed me and that's why I keep going back. (Remember the saga of the smelly rug?) I'm sure they'll make this right.

Moving on from the couches, we've been waiting on bathroom light fixtures to be delivered so that we (Justin) can finish painting our bathroom. They were delivered on Friday and when we (Justin) went to hang them, we (Justin) discovered that they are too big by about 1/4 of an inch and will not work. We (Justin) had already taken one fixture down, so it'll continue to be a bit dark in our bathroom until the new ones arrive. Fingers crossed that the new ones fit and do not get misplaced during shipping too.

Knowing that these things usually happen in three's and the fact that we just picked out a new fireplace is making me nervous. Excuse me, I need to go throw 9 lemons in a bowl for good luck.

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Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday 5

Every day of this week felt like Thursday and do you know how disappointing it is to think that and then find out it's only Tuesday? Very. I'm not wishing the days away, but I'm happy for the weekend. Let's get to it. 

I never posted back to school pictures, but here's a quick Back to School Selfie before the kids hopped on the bus last Friday. Vaughn is starting 2nd grade and Vance is starting 5th, sniff, sniff. 

I may have eaten a record amount of avocados and guacamole over the past 2 weeks. Can't. Get. Enough. You know what makes guac better? A giant avocado shaped bowl. Trust me on this one.

I found the cutest ruffle socks on an end-cap and on sale, mind you, at Whole Foods. Like a little reward for making it through the crowded aisles... 

Justin got major bonus points when he brought me sushi home from a dinner that he went to one night this week. The picture is a little unappetizing, but they were soooo good and very much appreciated. It's the little things, really. 

The weather is giving us a taste of fall and I spent all of Vaughn's gymnastics class doodling ideas for Halloween. The kids and I may or may not have already started listening to the Halloween station on Pandora. 

Here's to the weekend! Anyone have big plans? I'll be seeing a man about a fireplace... Cheers!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ideas for Fall Planters

While I'm not ready to say goodbye to summer just yet, I am ready to kick my summer flowers to the curb. Look at these leggy, overgrown, half-dead flowers that are standing post at my front door. Not the best way to welcome guests! And I should mention, with this situation in the front and the corn that Vance is growing in the back landscaping, we're well on our way of becoming "those" neighbors. 

I've started looking around and gathering ideas for fall planters and hopefully will have my little situation remedied in a couple of weeks. Here's a few ideas and a link to my Pinterest board in case you need help too. 

Source: The Graceful Gardener
Plant Fall Color
Source: Southern Living
Source: Mahoney's Garden 

Monday, August 17, 2015

Weekly Dinner Menu: 8/17-8/23 (Week 8)

Life is crazy, school is back in session, and I'm back to the balancing act of dinner, homework, and nightly activities. If there was ever a time for a Weekly Menu, it's now. After finishing this menu last night, I felt a little weight lift off my shoulders because it's one less unknown for the week. Hope it helps give you some ideas too.

Monday's enchiladas recipe can be found here. Trying to be more efficient, I froze the leftovers the last time I made them so all I have to do is reheat and make guacamole. Perfect for a busy Monday!

The kids just realized that they like baked potatoes, so that's their request for the week. I'll do russet for them and sweet for me. 

Still looking for a glaze to do for Sunday's salmon. Have a favorite? Please share! 


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Monday, August 03, 2015


This morning feels like a legitimate Monday. It's an odd feeling because for the past two months of summer, we've been living as if every day were Friday.  Even worse, I got so off track last week that the days didn't even have a feel. I really had to think hard about what day it was. I'm taking that as a good sign that we've had a great summer. I'm not ready at all for our carefree days to go away, but I guess it's fitting because school starts next week and it's time to get back on a regular schedule. Ugh.

I ordered Vaughn a new backpack and lunch box last night that she loves and I cannot stand. It was hard spending good money on something green. But she explained to me very rationally, "Mama, sometimes I like different things than you". Tru dat, baby girl. Can't believe she's starting 2nd grade and that Vance will be a 5th grader.

By the end of today we'll have all of our supplies bought and will be up to our ears in bouquets of sharpened pencils. Can't wait!


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