Archive for May 2016

Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday 5

~5 things from the week~

Here's to the first trophy in four years.
The boys were bummed to have lost by only a few runs, but were more than happy to at least get second. I think his smile says it all!

Here's to the last day of school.
I can't believe they're out! Let's compare first day and last day pictures:

I think they both have grown!

Here's to off the bus celebrations!
Silly string!

Here's to a break in lunch packing.
I had my own little celebration of finally tossing these dirty, smelly, hardworking lunch boxes into the trash. Though it may be hard to tell from the picture, I assure you - it was time. 

Here's to Vance.
Today is his birthday and we quasi-celebrated last night with dinner of his choice (pizza) and cookie cake decorated by Vaughn. Can't believe we have a 11 year old in the house!

Here's to a great Memorial Day Weekend! Cheers!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Printable Summer Bucket Lists 2016

Ready or not, summer break is here! The end of school definitely snuck up on me this year, but I'm happy to have a break from early mornings, lunch packing, and homework.
I'm learning that summer breaks get easier as the kids get older, as they don't require as much entertaining. We didn't do a bucket list last summer, but I made one just in case for this summer.

I did think of a couple new ideas that I think the kids would enjoy. How fun would it be to buy a ton of Ben and Jerry's flavors and have an ice cream taste test with the kids and their friends? Or how about painting along with a Bob Ross video? (I stole that one from a childhood friend that does that with her husband and boys!) So. Much. Fun!!!

I made a blank version too, in case you'd like to write in your own ideas. I'll be suggesting these for my kids, ha! Here's to a great summer!

Click HERE for the Summer List

Click HERE for the blank Summer List

Lists from years past: 2012  2014

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Friday 5

~5 things from the week~

Logic would suggest that since this is the last full week of school, I'd be in full swing stocking up on groceries and finishing last minute projects before my two associates are back with me for the summer. However, all logic has been thrown out the window because I've spent everyday this week helping out the kids and school in some fashion. It's been a busy week and I'm happy that it's finally the weekend! 

Vance laid a very thick and strategic guilt trip on Justin awhile back because he's never chaperoned a field trip and this was the very last one before leaving elementary school. Justin caved, of course, and Vance was so excited to have his dad be there. Even better, this trip was an "all school" field trip, which magnified the chaos of a zoo field trip by 10. I went with Vaughn's class, so we all brown bagged it that day. 
Fun fact! All kids look the same from behind while wearing ponchos! Making sure you had your assigned kiddos was a challenge because so. Also challenging? Taking little ponchos on and off for bathroom breaks. All in all, we made the best of it and had a pretty good day at the zoo.

Next up was 5th grade fun day! The 5th graders enjoyed a day of games, swimming, and fun food and snacks. I was busy serving food and popsicles and didn't get any good pictures of the other stuff. That same night was the 5th Grade Farewell ceremony, which had a Hollywood theme. Their pictures that went along with their stars were hilarious! Glad they were all good sports and had fun with it!

Vance was rewarded with a phone for being an upstanding citizen and ever since, it's been like this:

I kid, I kid. (Kind of!) They're great buddies and it makes me a bit sad to think the next time they'll be in the same school again, Vaughn will be a freshman in high school and Vance will be a senior. I prefer all my birdies to be in the same nest, so it will take some getting used to.

Can't believe there's a middle schooler in the house! 

Here's to the weekend! Cheers!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Quick and Easy DIY: Hanging Planter

Have a corner that needs something? Follow these steps for an easy hanging planter!

I picked up a few of these for Vaughn and her friends to paint at Target. ($4 each and I think it's intended purpose is a pencil holder. There were a lot of fun shapes to pick from.)

Drill a few holes around the top and then spray paint it. (The one I started with was already painted. I wasn't digging the blues, so after drilling the holes, I spray painted it all white. Definitely drill before painting though.)

Cut lengths of garden twine and tie knots in the end after feeding it through the holes. Tie all three strands into a knot at the top for hanging.

Drop in your plant and you're ready to hang. 

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Friday, May 13, 2016

Friday 5

~5 things from the week~

I whipped up some quick personalized towels for part of a gift for Vaughn's awesome Girl Scout leaders, using my tutorial from years ago.  

Vaughn's thoughtful teacher gave me some garden goodies as a thank you for helping out in her classroom this year. We're trying our hand at veggies again this year, but I have a feeling the woodland creatures are getting ready for a 3 month buffet.

I never go to the actual post office, so I order stamps online and love the selection. This round I went with Janis, Maya, and artist Martin Ramirez. (While I was aware of his work, I never knew he spent the majority of his adult life in a mental institution and suffered from schizophrenia.) Fun fact for the day!

The kid's school did a mini-relay for life this week to raise money and honor those affected by cancer.    It was a nice shift this year to donate an equal number for those we have lost to cancer too soon and for those who have survivors. Public Service reminder to get your parts checked and wear sunscreen!  

Our town is having an air show this weekend and the past couple of days have sounded like a war zone while the Blue Angels practice. It's amazing how loud they are!

 If you're an Anthony Bourdain fan, here's an interview he did with Bon Appetit. It's a fun, quick read about the rules he follows for eating food when on the road. 

Cheers to the weekend! Hope everyone has a good one! 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Kitchens that Suit your Personality

LOVE this accent wall (also love in livingroom, on either side of the fireplace...if we have a very high ceiling:
(This pin led to a bogus page. Would love to give credit - let me know if you know where this kitchen is from!)

Have a few minutes to spare today?

1. Take this (shortened) Myers-Briggs personality test.

2. Then go here to see what type of kitchen best suits your personality type.

I fall between INFJ and ISFJ and if you mix together those kitchens, I think it's pretty spot on, gauging from what's currently filling my Pinterest Kitchen board.

Happy Wednesday! We're almost there!

Friday, May 06, 2016

Friday 5: Vaughn turns 8!

~5 things from the week~

This week has been all about Vaughn. She decided she was finally ready to get earrings, so we kicked off last weekend with a good old fashioned piercing. (Not really. There were no ice cubes, needles, or potatoes in sight. Just 2 quick ladies with earring guns.) Zero tears were shed and about a 27 selfies were taken at dinner afterwards. 

She has decided to hang up her soccer cleats for now, and Sunday was her last soccer game. She was only a little big excited about that. 

Her birthday was Tuesday and she requested a dinner of buttered noodles and green beans. She's easy to please!

Cake! She requested a chocolate cake with an ocean theme and I had big ideas that gave away to a time crunch and things not going as planned. I swiped everything, which gave it an ombre effect, and it didn't turn out half bad! 

Still can't believe she's 8!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a happy Mother's Day!


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